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About Tegan Pace

Hey! I'm Tegan, and when I'm not saving the world and riding on my tiger made of flames, I'm a professional actress currently based in Bristol. I'm totally kidding (maybe) but I also enjoy creative hobbies such as sculpting, painting, cosplay and of course, performing. I also love throwing people really high in the air as I'm a cheerleader in my spare time and if I do say so myself, I'm a darn good side base.


Originally a countryside gal of Gloucestershire, I grew up with a passion for performing and acting professionally soon became my dream. I have been studying Theatre and Performance in Falmouth and my passion for performance has only grown, as well as my love for being beside the sea.


I believe that everyone has a right to do what they enjoy and have equality in life, and this is something I try to reflect through my performance and storytelling. I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds and cultures, to create complex characters and different kinds of performance that reflect these different stories, such as the new musical I am performing in: 'Walking Blind'. Keep an eye out for the show, debuting at the end of April, the link can be found on my home page.


I hope to always bring excitement and energy to audiences everywhere, and always keep riding my flaming tiger.

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